Car Accidents

Can I Change The Content Of My Accident Report?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows that the U.S. sees around six million reported motor vehicle crashes annually, including over 32,000 fatality accidents and over 2.2 million accidents involving injuries. That’s a lot of police reports for officers to fill out. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are occasional mistakes… read more

How Long After a Car Accident Can You File a Police Report in Missouri?

A car accident may be a minor fender bender that is more frustrating than painful. Other car crashes may cause severe injuries and wrongful deaths. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, Missouri requires that most car accidents be reported to the police within a certain time frame.  Reporting a Car Accident to the Police… read more

Driving Without a License Versus Driving Without a License on Your Person

Driving legally in St. Louis, Missouri, requires more than just knowing the rules of the road. Speeding, failing to yield the right-of-way, and distracted driving are common offenses committed by drivers. However, by law, you are required to carry a valid driver’s license whenever you’re behind the wheel. But what happens if you’re caught driving… read more

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in St. Louis That Wasn’t My Fault?

If you were involved in a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri, that wasn’t your fault, you might be wondering if you need to hire a lawyer. While it’s not required to have an attorney handle your case, having legal representation can be incredibly beneficial—especially when navigating the complexities of Missouri’s legal system. Car accidents… read more

Can I Have Just One Drink and Be Safe To Drive in St. Louis?

The act of drinking and driving is illegal in every state, as the effects of alcohol can seriously impair a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. But are the risks as severe after just one drink? The answer depends on several factors. Alcohol Limits According to Missouri Law The first step toward answering a… read more

Car Accidents Caused By Brake Checking in St. Louis, MO

In 2022, over 45,000 people were injured — and almost 1,000 were killed — in car accidents in Missouri. Most of these kinds of crashes are preventable, but they are rarely intentional. However, that isn’t the case for those caused by brake checking. These accidents are indeed intentional, as well as preventable.  The following is… read more

What’s Causing Neck & Lower Back Pain After a St. Louis Car Accident?

Neck and back pain are very common after a car accident. For many people, this pain isn’t too severe and resolves on its own. For others, a car accident is the start of a lifetime of chronic pain and even disability. If you are dealing with neck and lower back pain after a car accident… read more

What Does a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer Do?

There’s no rule requiring you to hire an attorney after a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri. However, there are good reasons to hire a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim and any potential lawsuit. At the least, it’s probably worth your time to set up a free consultation and receive some initial legal… read more

Is Flying Safer Than Driving?

Safety is always a top priority, and that is especially true for travelers. In turn, if you travel frequently, certain questions have more than likely crossed your mind. Is flying safe? How safe is flying? Has a plane crashed into cars before? They may seem like obvious inquiries to pose, but the answers may surprise… read more

What Are the 12 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in St. Louis, MO?

Car accidents can happen for many reasons, but what is the most common cause of collisions in St. Louis, Missouri? There isn’t one particular thing that causes traffic crashes more than others. Instead, there is a short list of common causes of motor vehicle accidents. If you’ve sustained injuries in a car wreck, speak to… read more