Facts About Road Rash

Few people make it to adulthood without knowing the pain of road rash. What is road rash, though? It is the result of unprotected skin sliding across a rough surface, such as a sidewalk, a tarred playground, or, as the name implies, a road.  Indeed, the common “skinned knee” that almost every child experiences falls… read more

What Is the Difference Between Negligence and Negligence Per Se?

“Negligence per se” is a specific legal concept that frequently arises in personal injury cases. It is a type of negligence case, which is one of the most common types of personal injury claims. While all negligence per se cases involve negligence, not every negligence case qualifies as negligence per se. The key difference is… read more

Can I Change The Content Of My Accident Report?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows that the U.S. sees around six million reported motor vehicle crashes annually, including over 32,000 fatality accidents and over 2.2 million accidents involving injuries. That’s a lot of police reports for officers to fill out. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are occasional mistakes… read more

How Long After a Car Accident Can You File a Police Report in Missouri?

A car accident may be a minor fender bender that is more frustrating than painful. Other car crashes may cause severe injuries and wrongful deaths. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, Missouri requires that most car accidents be reported to the police within a certain time frame.  Reporting a Car Accident to the Police… read more

The 8 Weirdest Laws in Missouri

Missouri is a state known for its mix of urban charm and natural beauty, but it also has some weird laws that may surprise both residents and visitors alike.  Many crazy laws in the States are “laws in desuetude” or “dead letter laws.” These are laws that are still in the books but are outdated… read more

Driving Without a License Versus Driving Without a License on Your Person

Driving legally in St. Louis, Missouri, requires more than just knowing the rules of the road. Speeding, failing to yield the right-of-way, and distracted driving are common offenses committed by drivers. However, by law, you are required to carry a valid driver’s license whenever you’re behind the wheel. But what happens if you’re caught driving… read more

What Should I Do If I Was Injured At the Saint Louis Zoo?

The St. Louis Zoo has brought fascination and joy to children and adults alike for more than a century now. Nevertheless, no activity is completely risk-free, and people do get hurt there from time to time. If you do get hurt, it’s important that you know just how to react. If you’ve suffered an injury… read more

The Difference Between Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury in Missouri

Knowing how to get compensation can be confusing if you ever get hurt. Two main ways to seek financial help in Missouri are through workers’ compensation and personal injury claims. They both aim to support those who are injured but work differently. An attorney can explain these options simply, helping you decide which path to… read more

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in St. Louis That Wasn’t My Fault?

If you were involved in a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri, that wasn’t your fault, you might be wondering if you need to hire a lawyer. While it’s not required to have an attorney handle your case, having legal representation can be incredibly beneficial—especially when navigating the complexities of Missouri’s legal system. Car accidents… read more

Safest Neighborhoods in St. Louis

Several factors should be considered when looking for a safe neighborhood for you and your family. Finding your forever home in a neighborhood you have never been to could be complicated and frustrating. St. Louis has an especially high violent crime rate. The violent crime rate per 1,000 residents is 14.7, while the national median… read more