Why Do Rear-End Collisions Happen in St. Louis, and Who’s To Blame?

If you’ve ever been rear-ended by another vehicle, you know the feeling of sheer panic as you see another car speeding toward you. Many drivers who have been hurt in these crashes don’t have the opportunity to take defensive action, and injuries are often devastating.  Who is at fault in a rear-end collision? As you’ll… read more

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost in St. Louis, MO?

“How much does a lawyer cost?” It is a question that comes to prospective clients’ minds almost instantly, given that — as you likely know — lawyers have a reputation for being notoriously expensive. What many do not know, however, is that personal injury lawyers don’t typically charge anything upfront for their services.  Instead, they… read more

Traffic and Red Light Cameras in St. Louis, MO

If you’re like many Missourians, you probably aren’t in favor of the state’s red light cameras. Getting fines and points on your license because of a single photo that may not explain the whole scenario can seem unfair.  However, ticketing based on red light cameras is still a legal practice in St. Louis, and ignoring… read more

Can You Sue for Emotional Distress in St. Louis?

Yes, you can sue for emotional distress in St. Louis, Missouri, provided that your case resembles one of the five permissible scenarios described below. Your emotional distress claim can be a component of another claim, or it can be a stand-alone claim. What Is Emotional Distress? In personal injury law, the term ‘emotional distress’ refers… read more

Right-of-Way Laws in Missouri

All Missouri drivers must follow the same rules of the road. In that requirement, the state helps ensure that its drivers know what is expected of them and their fellow motorists. Being able to anticipate another driver’s movements is especially important at dangerous intersections and in high-traffic areas. Missouri’s traffic code includes right-of-way laws that… read more

How To Choose the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you are putting your financial future in their hands. You know you want to choose the best lawyer, but a quick internet search can soon leave you feeling overwhelmed. Fortunately, a little planning goes a long way.  When you know what you’re looking for, choosing the right personal… read more

MSHP Reports: What You Need To Know

The Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) has jurisdiction over car accidents that happen on state and interstate highways. The agency shares jurisdiction with city police departments and county sheriff’s offices. The MSHP will defer to city police departments unless they are asked to investigate. Consequently, you may not have an MSHP report for your crash…. read more

Window Tint Laws in Missouri

Countless vehicle owners choose to tint their car’s windows. Often, it’s for the look, as tinted windows can make a vehicle look more sleek and sophisticated. Also, tinted windows can provide some much-needed protection from the sun and help keep cars cooler in the hot months. If you wish to tint your windows in Missouri,… read more

The Mirena Crash Is Real, and It’s Affecting Countless Women

Most women either have or will use birth control at some point in their lives. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control regulates periods, often reducing the severity of period-related symptoms. But while birth control is popular for a variety of reasons, many women don’t want to take a pill every day. They prefer a long-term option… read more

How Safe Are Motor Scooters in St. Louis, MO?

For individuals living in large cities like St. Louis, Missouri, motor scooters are becoming an increasingly popular mobility option. Classified as small vehicles with two or three wheels, motor scooters are steered using handlebars and can be operated while standing up or seated, depending on the design. Their small size and high maneuverability make motor… read more