What Is CTE?

Recently, a new form of degenerative brain disease has been on the rise.  Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive brain condition that develops after repeated blows to the head over long periods. Diagnosis is often difficult because the symptoms can resemble other conditions. The severity of this disease is still in early research. CTE… read more

I’ve Been Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident In St. Louis – Do I Need a Lawyer?

You probably need a lawyer if you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident. Because of a lack of frame protection, motorcycle accidents tend to be more severe than automobile accidents. Unfortunately, personal injury and wrongful death cases are not at all uncommon after a motorcycle collision.  After a motorcycle crash in St. Louis, you likely… read more

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in St. Louis?

Car accidents range from minor “fender benders” to catastrophic truck accidents. In some cases, no one is injured, but there could be some property damage. Knowing when to hire a lawyer after a minor car accident can be confusing. The best way to know whether you need an accident attorney is to take advantage of… read more

4 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Will Not Take Your Case

If you have talked to several St. Louis personal injury lawyers who have all refused to take your case, you may be wondering why. While you may have a viable personal injury claim, that does not necessarily mean that a lawyer is willing to take your case. Here we list some of the most common… read more

What To Do When Your Spouse Dies In A St. Louis Car Accident

It doesn’t seem fair that when your spouse dies suddenly in a car crash, you are left with the burden of paperwork and bills. It’s one thing to try to pick up the pieces and “carry on” with life as normal, but it’s another to actually get reminders of your husband or wife’s death mailed to… read more

Motorcycle Helmets Have an Expiration Date

You’re probably familiar with the idea of checking the expiration date on that ricotta cheese that has been sitting in your fridge, but have you checked the expiration date on your motorcycle helmet recently? Yes, motorcycle helmets do have definite expiration dates and could become less effective in the event of an auto accident. Ask yourself… read more

How Are “Slip & Fall” and “Trip & Fall” Accidents Different?

People are injured in fall accidents every day. Sadly, both “trip and fall” accidents and “slip and fall” accidents are incredibly common. These mishaps can be dangerous, leading to severe injury and long-term disability.  In everyday terms, these two types of falling accidents are often thought to be the same. But the distinction between a… read more

Missouri Hospital Lien Statute

Click to begin the podcast, or read the transcript below Carrie: Hello everyone and welcome to the Schultz & Myers Personal Injury Lawyers Injury Law Firm Podcast for May 15th, 2015. My name is Carrie and I am joined today by St. Louis injury lawyer, and founding partner of Schultz & Myers Personal Injury Lawyers, Stephen Schultz. Welcome,… read more

How Can You Tell If Your Car Is Totaled After A Missouri crash?

Missourians are quick to assume that the severity of a car crash determines whether or not a car is totaled. To many, a totaled car means one that is crunched beyond recognition.While it is true that those unrecognizable cars are likely to be totaled, the actual definition of a totaled car is slightly different. This legal… read more

What To Wear To A Deposition

7 Tips on Dressing for Your Deposition St. Louis Personal injury attorney, Josh Myers answered the question “What Should I Wear to a Deposition” on our Ask Schultz & Myers Personal Injury Lawyers channel just a few weeks ago, and already, we’re getting several views. This is obviously something that clients involved in personal injury cases are concerned about.Your… read more