What’s Causing Neck & Lower Back Pain After a St. Louis Car Accident?

Neck and back pain are very common after a car accident. For many people, this pain isn’t too severe and resolves on its own. For others, a car accident is the start of a lifetime of chronic pain and even disability. If you are dealing with neck and lower back pain after a car accident… read more

What Should I Do If I Was Injured At the St. Louis Lambert International Airport?

Navigating an injury sustained at an airport, especially at a bustling hub like St. Louis Lambert International Airport, can be overwhelming. From slippery floors to luggage mishaps, hazards abound. Knowing the appropriate steps to take after an airport accident is vital to safeguard your rights and pursue compensation for your injuries. Examples of Injuries and… read more

What Does a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer Do?

There’s no rule requiring you to hire an attorney after a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri. However, there are good reasons to hire a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim and any potential lawsuit. At the least, it’s probably worth your time to set up a free consultation and receive some initial legal… read more

Is Flying Safer Than Driving?

Safety is always a top priority, and that is especially true for travelers. In turn, if you travel frequently, certain questions have more than likely crossed your mind. Is flying safe? How safe is flying? Has a plane crashed into cars before? They may seem like obvious inquiries to pose, but the answers may surprise… read more

Injuries and Accidents at the Saint Louis Zoo

The Saint Louis Zoo is a fun place for kids and grown-ups alike. We all enjoy watching the amazing animals and visiting the various attractions. But sometimes, accidents and injuries can happen when you least expect them. If you go to the zoo and something goes wrong, it’s good to know what to do. This… read more

What is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome in St. Louis, MO?

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is a serious condition that happens when a patient doesn’t get enough thiamine in their diet. Diagnosing this condition quickly and starting treatment as soon as possible is key to minimizing the long-term effects of this syndrome. But often, doctors fail to get patients an accurate diagnosis in a timely manner. Below, we’ll… read more

What Are the 12 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in St. Louis, MO?

Car accidents can happen for many reasons, but what is the most common cause of collisions in St. Louis, Missouri? There isn’t one particular thing that causes traffic crashes more than others. Instead, there is a short list of common causes of motor vehicle accidents. If you’ve sustained injuries in a car wreck, speak to… read more

Why Do Rear-End Collisions Happen in St. Louis, and Who’s To Blame?

If you’ve ever been rear-ended by another vehicle, you know the feeling of sheer panic as you see another car speeding toward you. Many drivers who have been hurt in these crashes don’t have the opportunity to take defensive action, and injuries are often devastating.  Who is at fault in a rear-end collision? As you’ll… read more

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost in St. Louis, MO?

“How much does a lawyer cost?” It is a question that comes to prospective clients’ minds almost instantly, given that — as you likely know — lawyers have a reputation for being notoriously expensive. What many do not know, however, is that personal injury lawyers don’t typically charge anything upfront for their services.  Instead, they… read more

Traffic and Red Light Cameras in St. Louis, MO

If you’re like many Missourians, you probably aren’t in favor of the state’s red light cameras. Getting fines and points on your license because of a single photo that may not explain the whole scenario can seem unfair.  However, ticketing based on red light cameras is still a legal practice in St. Louis, and ignoring… read more