Car Accidents
Can You Sue After a Car Accident With No Injuries in St. Louis, MO?
Stephen Schultz | February 1, 2023 | Car Accidents
The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported 127,485 car accidents in 2022. Fortunately, some individuals were able to escape harm. Approximately 95,000 crashes in 2022 were property-only crashes where no one reported injuries. Missouri drivers must have a minimum of $25,000 in property damage liability insurance. In most cases, insurance companies and owners settle property damage… read more
Nine Factors that Determine How Much to Expect from a Car Accident Settlement in St. Louis
Stephen Schultz | January 17, 2023 | Car Accidents
Automobile accidents can be traumatic, painful, and expensive events. If you’ve been in a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri, you might be curious about how much of a settlement you can anticipate. Understanding the various elements that affect your settlement amount can help you bargain with the opposing party or their insurance provider for… read more
Car Accident Liability and Damages Explained
Joshua P. Myers | January 5, 2023 | Car Accidents
Missouri is considered an “at fault” state for car accident claims. Therefore, you must prove liability before you can hold someone financially responsible for damages. Proving liability can be challenging, especially when fighting a large insurance company determined to avoid paying your car accident claim. What Does Liability for a St. Louis Car Accident Mean? … read more
Are You Suffering from PTSD After a Car Accident in St. Louis, MO?
Joshua P. Myers | January 4, 2023 | Car Accidents
Following a car accident in St. Louis, you’ll likely experience many different feelings and symptoms. You might have sustained physical injuries you need to recover from or find yourself struggling with emotional problems following the incident. One condition that people commonly endure following a collision is PTSD. While many people associate PTSD with soldiers who… read more
Car Accident Reports in Missouri
Stephen Schultz | January 3, 2023 | Car Accidents
Car accidents can be minor, severe, or even fatal. People who experience a car accident may walk away with minimal property damage and no injuries, or they may total their automobiles and suffer from permanent injuries. Following an accident, the body’s stress hormones kick in, including a surge in adrenaline. Adrenaline can mask the symptoms… read more
Who Is at Fault in a T-Bone Car Accident?
Stephen Schultz | August 23, 2022 | Car Accidents
A “T-bone” accident is a common term for a side-impact car crash where the front end of one vehicle slams into the side of the other vehicle. The vehicles resemble the letter “T” after the collision. Side-impact accidents can cause devastating and life-threatening injuries, especially for the passengers on the side of impact. It is… read more
Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in St. Louis?
Stephen Schultz | July 18, 2022 | Car Accidents
Car accidents range from minor “fender benders” to catastrophic truck accidents. In some cases, no one is injured, but there could be some property damage. Knowing when to hire a lawyer after a minor car accident can be confusing. The best way to know whether you need an accident attorney is to take advantage of… read more
What To Do When Your Spouse Dies In A St. Louis Car Accident
Joshua P. Myers | June 24, 2022 | Car Accidents
It doesn’t seem fair that when your spouse dies suddenly in a car crash, you are left with the burden of paperwork and bills. It’s one thing to try to pick up the pieces and “carry on” with life as normal, but it’s another to actually get reminders of your husband or wife’s death mailed to… read more
How Can You Tell If Your Car Is Totaled After A Missouri crash?
Stephen Schultz | May 1, 2022 | Car Accidents
Missourians are quick to assume that the severity of a car crash determines whether or not a car is totaled. To many, a totaled car means one that is crunched beyond recognition.While it is true that those unrecognizable cars are likely to be totaled, the actual definition of a totaled car is slightly different. This legal… read more
Are There More Car Accidents On Friday The 13th?
Josh Myers | March 13, 2022 | Car Accidents
Superstitious folks can be quite nervous about the number 13. That’s why you’ll rarely see the 13th floor in a skyscraper. The ancient superstition is likely to have stemmed from the Last Supper, after which Jesus was betrayed by one of the 13 attendees. However, some scholars argue that the fear of the number 13 began… read more